San Juan Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Thomas Holt Ward

Abrams Mountain, 12,801', East Approach
American Peak, 13,806', From Burns Gulch
Animas Forks Mountain, 13,722'
Anvil Mountain, 12,537', Silverton 
Arrow Benchmark (Point 12,891') and Peak 12,936', from Deer Park
Aztec Mountain, 13,310', Via Mountain View Crest
Baldy Cinco, 13,383', and Peak 13,313', Via Spring Creek Pass 
Ballard's Horn, 13,145', Telluride
Bear Mountain, 12,987', Silverton
Beattie Peak, 13,342', From Bandora Mine
Black Face, 12,147', From Lizard Head Pass
Black Face, 12,147', From Cross Mountain Trail 
Blackhawk Mountain, 12,681'; Harts Peak, 12,540'; and Peak 12,402', From Hotel Draw
Blackhead Peak, 12,500', South San Juan Mountains
Bonita Peak, 13,286', From Eureka Gulch
Bridal Peak (formerly T11), 13,510', Via Mill Creek Basin 
Brown Mountain, 13,339', East Approach
C.T. Peak, 13,312', Cooper Creek 
Calico Peak, 12,026'; Eagle Peak, 12,113'; Anchor Mountain, 12,327', Rico Mountains
Canby Mountain, 13,478', Stony Pass
Catwalk: Above Animas Forks
Cave Basin Trail to Dollar Lake Overlook, 12,360', and Cave Basin Sinkholes
Cinnamon Mountain, 13,328'; Peak 13,535'; Pt. 13,444'; Pt. 12,816'; Grouse Gulch Rim Loop
Columbine Lake, 12,685', Via Slidepath Route
Columbine Lake, 12,685', Via Standard Trail 
Columbine Lake, 12,685', Via Porphyry Basin
Cooper Creek Peak, 13,688' 
Cottonwood Peak, 13,588', and Peak 13,123', West Approach, Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Crevasse, 12,311', Via Endlich Mesa
Crown Mountain, 13,569', and North Crown, 13,699' 
Cuba Benchmark, 13,019', and Point 13,100' From Minnie Gulch
Dolores Mountain, 12,112', From Hotel Draw, Rico Mountains 
Dolores Peak, 13,290', San Miguel Mountains
Dome Mountain, 13,370', Silverton
Dragon's Back, 12,968', Engineer Pass
Dunn Peak, 12,595', San Miguel Mountains
Elliott Mountain, 12,340'; Sockrider Peak, 12,308'; Johnny Bull Mountain, 12,012', Rico Mountains
Emery Peak, 13,310', From Eureka Gulch
Engineer Mountain, 12,968', and Little Engineer, 12,613', From Coal Bank Pass
Engineer Mountain Circumnavigation
Every Mountain, 13,691', Cooper Creek
Flattop Mountain, 12,098', and Section Point, 11,940', from Bolam Pass
Fuller Peak,13,761', Ice Lake Basin 
Galena Mountain, 13,278', Via Buffalo Boy Mine
Golden Horn, 13,780', Ice Lake Basin
Graham Peak, 12,531'; Three Sisters Peaks, South, 11,867'; Point 12,016'; Weminuche Wilderness
Grand Turk, 13,180', From Molas Pass
Grayrock Peak, 12,504', and Graysill Mountain, Via Pando Creek
Grayrock Peak, 12,504', and Graysill Mountain's Southern Points From Relay Creek Road
Grizzly Peak, 13,738': The Kaleidoscope Summit
Gudy Peak, 13,566', Cooper Creek
Half Peak, 13,841', From Minnie Gulch
Handies Peak, 14,048', Via Grouse Gulch 
Handies Peak, 14,048', Via Whitecross Mountain 
Hanson Peak, 13,454'; Hurricane Peak, 13,447'; California Mountain, 13,220'
Hayden Mountain South, 13,206', Via Richmond Pass
Hazelton Mountain, 12,527', Silverton
Hermosa Peak, 12,579', Via Bolam Pass Road 
Houghton Mountain, 13,052', Animas Forks
Ice Lake Basin, 12,257', Island Lake, 12,400'
Jones Mountain, 13,860', From Burns Gulch 
Jura Knob, 12,614' (Engineer Mountain's Neighbor)
Kendall Peak, 13,451', Silverton
King Solomon Mountain, 13,220', from Arrastra Gulch
La Junta Peak, 13,472', Telluride 
Little Cone, 11,981' 
Little Giant Peak, 13,416', from Arrastra Gulch 
Lizard Head Platform From Cross Mountain Trail
Lone Cone, 12,613'
Lookout Peak, 13,661', From Ophir Pass
Macomber Peak, 13,222', Via Hematite Lake
Matterhorn Peak, 13,590' (with Wetterhorn Peak)
McMillan Peak, 12,804', Red Mountain Pass
Middle Mountain, 12,984', Minnie and Maggie Divide
Middle Peak, 13,280', San Miguel Mountains
Molas Pass to Coal Bank Pass (Via Jura Knob, 12,614') 
Mount Elbert, 14,440', Via East Ridge of South Elbert (Point 14,134')
Mount Kennedy, 13,125', Via Mountain View Crest
Mount Massive, 14,421', Via Southeast Ridge 
Mount Rhoda, 13,402', from Cunningham Gulch 
Mountain View Crest to West End, Overlook Point, 12,998'; Peak 12,740'
Mountaineer Peak, 13,434', from Cunningham Gulch
Niagara Peak, 13,807', From Burns Gulch
Niagara Peak, 13,807', From Minnie Gulch 
North Massive (Point 14,340'), From Windsor Lake 
North Snowdon (N1), Point 12,628' 
North Twilight Peak, 13,075', West Needle Mountains
Ohio Peak, 12,673', Red Mountain Pass
Ohio Peak, 12,673', From US 550
Oscar's Peak, 13,432', Via Blixt Road 
Oscar's Peak, 13,432', Via Wasatch Trail 
Pagosa Peak, 12,640', Via Anderson Trail 
Peak 12,029', Via Pando Creek
Peak 12,618' (N3), West Needle Mountains
Peak 12,703' (E1) and Peak 12,766' (E2) from Coal Bank Pass or Jura Knob
Peak 12,935' (V1), Paradise Basin 
Peak 13,069', Minnie and Maggie Divide
Peak 13,106' (Nellie Point)
Peak 13,159', Via Mill Creek Basin
Peak 13,302', From Bandora Mine
Peak 13,300', Via Columbine Lake
Peak 13,477' (T10 South Summit), From Porphyry Basin
Peak 13,688' and Gravel Mountain, 13,577'
Peak 13,795', Colorado's #109, Via Handies Peak
Peak One, 13,589', Via Kite Lake
Point 12,628' (N1, North Snowdon)
Potato Hill (Spud Mountain), 11,871'
Proposal Peak, 13,330', From Minnehaha Creek
Rattlesnake Canyon, Upper Trailhead; Black Ridge Canyons Wilderness, McInnis Canyons NCA
Red Mountain No. 1, 12,592', From Gray Copper Gulch
Red Mountain No. 3, 12,890', To Corkscrew Pass
Redcloud Peak, 14,034'
Rolling Mountain, 13,693', From South Mineral Creek
San Bernardo Mountain, 11,861', From Lizard Head Pass
San Joaquin Ridge Summit, 13,460', Via Wasatch Connection 
San Miguel Peak, 13,752', Via Lake Hope
Sand Mountain, 12,410', and Point 12,375', Via Little Blanco Trail, South San Juan Mountains
Seigal Mountain, 13,274', Animas Forks 
Sheep Mountain, 13,188', East Ridge Gendarme (Lizard Head Pass) 
Sheep Mountain, 13,292', and Headwaters of the Rio Grande River from Stony Pass
Sheridan Mountain, 12,795'; Crevasse, 12,311', Via Endlich Mesa
Snowdon Peak, 13,077', From Andrews Lake
Snowdon Ponds Via Point 12,450'
South Snowdon (N2), 13,046', West Needle Mountains
Spencer Basin to Blair Gulch Thru-Hike 
Spencer Peak, 13,087' (Grand Turk Neighbor)
Storm Peak, 13,487', Silverton 
Sultan Mountain, 13,368', From Molas Pass
Sundog, 13,432', Via Redcloud and Sunshine
Sunshine Mountain, 12,930', Ophir
Sunshine Peak, 14,001'
Telluride Peak, 13,509', Black Bear Pass to Imogene Pass 
Three Needles, 13,481', From Porphyry Basin 
Tower Mountain, 13,552', From Boulder Gulch
Tower Mountain, 13,552', Via Hematite Lake
Trico Peak, 13,321', Black Bear Pass to Imogene Pass 
Tuttle Mountain, 13,203', Animas Forks
Twin Sisters: East, 13,432', and West, 13,374'
Uncompahgre Peak, 14,309'
V2 (Peak 13,309'), Ice Lake Basin Series 
V5 (Peak 13,156'), From Clear Lake
V6 (Peak 12,442'), From Clear Lake 
V7 (Peak 13,042'); Peak 12,764'; Peak 12,601'; Loop Through Putnam Basin
Velocity Peak, 13,325' From Boulder Gulch
Vermilion Peak, 13,894', Ice Lake Basin 
Wasatch Mountain, 13,555', Telluride
West Turkshead Peak, 12,849', From Molas Pass
Wetterhorn Peak, 14,015'
Wildhorse Peak, 13,266', Engineer Pass 
White Dome, 13,627', Via Kite Lake
Whitecap Mountain, 12,376', Rico Mountains, from Hotel Draw
Whitecross Mountain, 13,542', Via Grizzly Gulch
Whitehead Peak, 13,259', from Cunningham Gulch 
Wood Mountain, 13,650', Animas Forks
Yellow Mountain South, 13,177', From Ophir


  1. Yesterday, 11/06/21, I attempted Grizzly peak. The trail rising above the CT was extremely faint and with the snow fields present I lost it a few times. Was this trail always so difficult to follow? Unfortunately, the snow was thick at the couloir so I didn't attempt the summit. To be honest, I am not sure I was even on the trail or just following some game tracks. I am not really sure why I am posting this information but maybe you can share with me some helpful hints(if you remember) to guide me in the correct direction the next time I make an attempt. Thanks, Mark

    1. Grizzly has a compressed season as you discovered. The social trail between the CT and Grizzly Meadows is distinct. It leaves the CT at 0.7 mile. As an unmaintained trail it will be quickly obscured by snow. Good luck next summer. Debra

  2. I did this hike July 16, 2022. Thanks for the guide Debra!

  3. To clarify, I did the Grand Turk and Sultan Peak Hike.

    1. Nice! I miss those mountains and plan to get back up there this summer. Debra
